The Effects Of Our Toxic
Environmental Bio-Terrain On Life
Trisha Springstead, RN, MSDavid Curtis, MS Susan Hageman
2-9-11- To the Truth Seekers and The Ones Who Suffer
- On April 20th, 2010, the largest manmade disaster in the history of the United States of America blasted the Gulf of Mexico. The Explosion of the Deep Water Horizon murdered 11 men and injured 17 more. This was not just your ordinary spill. Despite all warnings to upper level management, BP did not listen and told these men to move forward and keep drilling, as the company was losing money with each passing day. The deaths of these men, with brothers, sisters, mothers, wives and children, were homicides. The crime scene spewed out poison of unprecedented proportions while the powers that be sprayed toxic chemicals in order to cover up the crime.
- The men that died or were disabled from the Macondo blowout should be treated as war heroes, since the fate of these men is the same one soldiers face. These men were put in harm's way by corporate and government decisions over "wars that are fought in places where their business interest runs." [1] The families of the brave men who died have not received any compensation from the perpetrators of this crime. Unfortunately, the death and injury has not been limited to the original victims. It is an ongoing tragedy that continues to expand in scope, affecting the health and the lives of millions more.
- When the well exploded, I was researching a disease pandemic some call Morgellons. [2] This is not the name for this disease now. It is clearly Hyper-Toxicity, Degradation of the Bio-Terrain [3], Neurocutaneous Syndrome [4], and recently has surfaced as the BP Oil Gulf Plague [5]. Before I submit the evidence from this crime scene, I want to give you a heads-up on what I had been working on for years here in the Southern United States. I find it interesting that, in early 2006, I began pulling strange PCBs, fibers and other organisms out of the skin of humans and was just astounded. I wanted to know what this new disease was. I called an old professor of mine, as these samples I was viewing looked almost shrimp-like. He had never heard of this. His advice was to call the Department of Marine Biology in Washington, DC.
- I was excited and very curious, and the next morning I dialed a phone number. In my enthusiasm at finding something that was so interesting, I began telling my story to the man who picked up the phone in D.C. He listened very intently. Then these words, that I shall never forget and in retrospect haunt me. "Lady," he said, "if you know anything about this disease, you start screaming and you keep screaming, because if you don't and something happens to you, you will be missed." He went on to say, "You have not reached the Department of Marine Biology. You have reached the Department of Geology. I want you to stay away from this god-forsaken town (D.C.). I have 3 years left in this hell-hole before I retire, so you scream - and don't stop." I began screaming like a wild woman then and heeding his advice, will not be silenced now.
- I do not believe in accidents any more. This Scientist knew something, and he knew I was on to something. Could it be that this was a warning sign of things to come, and this honest Geologist knew something and had seen evidence of what I was relating? The answers to these questions may never be forthcoming, but the Universe reveals things to us when we need to look at them. It is a shame that more scientists are not curious about the human condition, because people continue to be polluted by food [6], water [7], environment [8] and man's greed to tear apart and alter the perfection of Mother Earth's gifts.
- Marine Toxicologist Dr. Riki Ott [9] helped countless individuals while fighting valiantly for the people of Alaska in the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez spill. She could have earned $250,000 a year in the employ of various companies, but instead choose to assist people and wildlife. Dr. Ott worked diligently over years on books and documentaries which illustrate her knowledge and concerns. She duly warned us of the treatment that was inflicted upon the people by the Exxon Valdez spill. Now she has taken her time and her dime to come to the Gulf Region and educate people up and down the coastlines of our precious Gulf of Mexico.
- It is the nature of an ignorant man to say, "Oh, this is just a little spill. We will just cover it up with a little poison and a few pesticides that won't hurt anyone, and a few Genetically Modified Nematodes won't hurt anyone, either." On top of that tanker spill in Alaska, Exxon dumped Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) called Pseudomonas Putida. [10] After meeting Dr. Ott, I discovered that thousands were reporting symptoms of rashes, brain fog, neurological problems, crawling and biting and itching to Dr Ott's group. The average life expectancy in Alaska where that spill occurred is 51 years, and that was just a tanker, mind you. The people were told by Exxon, "Oh don't worry, we'll take care of you and 'NOT ONE DROP' will be found when we are done." Exxon took good care of them all right - their way of life was almost destroyed. The divorce, alcoholism, suicide and a literal wedge that was driven between the people proved disastrous. That spill decimated the way of life for those people, their culture and their world. The one hope, though, is that the humans who live on in that region of Alaska are praying for us as we face eerily similar circumstances. They were never fully nor even partially compensated for the havoc and hell that Exxon put them through. I highly recommend that you read Dr. Ott's book, Not One Drop. Read this book and read it well, because history has repeated itself. [11] But there is a kicker here, and an elephant in the living rooms of this whole Gulf Region and indeed, the world.
- The draconian powers-that-be sprayed Corexit (which is outlawed in many other countries, including England) and other organisms on that spill. They continue to spray even now on the waters of the Gulf and the East Coast of Florida by night. The amounts of poisons that were spewed into our precious air and water, and what is being added in a misguided attempt to rectify it, are not just chemicals but a very, very toxic soup.
- They do not give a damn about the impact on the people who worked hard every day. The honest fishermen won't sell you dirty fish. [12]
- They are not lazy, they know it is poison. The world is unfortunately filled with smoke and mirrors. "Oh, a few dead here and a few spilling blood there and a few Cajuns whose life is tied to the sea won't be missed." When BP, Halliburton and the money-grubbing corporations say they are going to take care of you, you better find a lawyer and a good friend, because they will not. History repeating,
- these beautiful souls are sick. They have rashes, brain fog, lesions, and families with no food. Suffering themselves, they refuse to compromise by going out and fishing to sell poison to you and your families.
- The health and human impact of this spill is already driving wedges through the social fabric of society all along the coast. The depression deepens with each passing day, the alcoholism rates will skyrocket, the suicides will escalate and fighting among brothers will increase. [13] The sociological ramifications are already heightened between people. Proud people have no work unless it is to work for the perceived enemy. This is just what BP and the Corporate Dynasties like to see. BP wants people so worn down that they have no fight in them, no air to breathe to yell, no doctors to treat these people who are ill. If we open clinics and treat these people that BP and Nalco poisoned, these people who are sick and dying, then the poisoners will have to take some responsibility, admitting that they made the wrong choices and caused HARM.
- To the people who think they fooled us, I say, "We are not fooled by you liars." To the people who are spraying Corexit and flying those planes of genocidal chemicals we say, "Find an Honest Job, because you are helping the devil do his deeds." To the people who told us, "It's gone - the spill has disappeared, there is just a little poison out there," we say, "Dilution is not the solution to pollution." To the wealthy who did not want to see this wash up on their shores, so if not seen, it doesn't exist, or the Universities taking billions to study this, I say, "TAKE CARE OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE DYING AND ARE GOING TO DIE. GO TO THEIR HOMES, THEIR SHORES AND THEIR ONCE-SACRED FISHING GROUNDS." These people are the sidewalk scientists. They have lived on the land for generations, and they know their terrain and the waters they love and respect. Get out of your institutions of delusion, your board rooms and legal money-laundering, ivy-covered ivory towers, and look at the full picture. If you lose the people, you have no stewards and in the end you will choke on greed, money and oil.
- I now submit evidence from independent researchers who have honestly documented aspects of this crime scene that has devastated the health, safety and welfare of human beings and all life along the Gulf of Mexico. Estimates grounded in science predict that this will affect 10 to 20 million people in the United States of America. [14]
- What really came out of that Gulf of Mexico Macondo well of so-called "Fossil Fuel" - a term used very loosely in the lexicon of oil geohazard professionals? If we knew what was in the mixture that we put in our gas tanks, we might think twice about this destruction in the Gulf - especially when it only supplies 10% maximum of our oil consumption in this country. People exposed to these toxins are becoming sick very quickly and dying, their immune systems are highly compromised, they are bleeding from every orifice, bruising is occurring spontaneously, lesions are horrific, lung capacities are declining and hearts are enlarging with every moment we waste not paying attention to the human condition.
- Dr. Tom Termotto, an Integrative Health Consultant, head of the Gulf Spill Remediative Task Force and prolific researcher and educator, has written compelling scientific articles on this subject. The information has been affirmed by other scientists. He poses this question: "What do you get when you mix oil & methane gas with oil dispersant (Corexit), with radioactive effluent, with surface-burning oil slicks (petroleum + dispersant), with lots of dead marine life of every sort and kind in the Gulf of Mexico during a hot and humid summer?" His answer: "A toxic petrochemical stew which is neither safe to eat from, nor swim in. The affected beaches, wetlands, marshes and estuaries should also be viewed with great caution, or avoided altogether." 15] Dr. Termotto goes on to list established facts to substantiate his conclusion. The origins for his citations are found in his article, a small portion of which is quoted below, and which I highly recommend be read in full.
- "It only takes 1 barrel of oil to effectively pollute one million barrels of seawater. Using the 87 days till the geyser was controlled; an estimated 87 X 100,000 barrels per day totaling 8.7 million barrels of hydrocarbon effluent (oil + methane + particulates such as sand, stones, gravel, and other debris from deep down under) and its many derivatives were released. This bio-accumulates within living organisms and will concentrate in adipose tissue in human beings. It contains many different chemical constituents that will break down, each of which possesses different levels of toxicity to marine and human life.
- Crude oil is a mixture of many different kinds of organic compounds, many of which are highly toxic and cancer-causing (carcinogenic). Oil is acutely lethal to fish, that is, it kills fish quickly at a concentration of 4000 parts per million (ppm) or 0.4%. It only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000 gallons of ocean water toxic to wildlife. This would be a concentration of only 1 ppm. Crude oil and petroleum distillates cause birth defects.
- Benzene is present in both crude oil and gasoline and is known to cause leukemia in humans. The compound is also known to lower the white blood cell count in humans, which would leave people exposed to it more susceptible to infections. Studies have linked benzene exposure in the mere parts per billion (ppb) ranges to terminal leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and other blood and immune system diseases within 5-15 years of exposure. Benzene exposure at below 1 part per million (1 ppm) causes hematotoxicity in exposed workers."
- Dr. Termotto also addresses the main health hazards associated with breathing methane. "Methane is not toxic below the lower explosive limit of 5% (50,000 ppm). However, when methane is present at high concentrations, it acts as an asphyxiant. Asphyxiants displace oxygen in the air and can cause symptoms of oxygen deprivation (asphyxiation). The available oxygen should be a minimum of 18% or harmful effects will result. Methane displaces oxygen to 18% in air when present at 14% (140,000 ppm). It is not expected to cause unconsciousness (narcosis) due to central nervous system depression until it reaches much higher concentrations (30% or 300,000 ppm), well above the lower explosive limit and asphyxiating concentrations.
- Effects of oxygen deficiency include:
- 12-16%......breathing and pulse rate are increased, with slight muscular incoordination;
- 10-14%......emotional upsets, abnormal fatigue from exertion, disturbed respiration;
- 6-10%......nausea and vomiting, inability to move freely, collapse, possible lack of consciousness;
- Below 6%......convulsive movements, gasping, possible respiratory collapse and death.
- Since exercise increases the body's need for oxygen, symptoms will occur more quickly during exertion in an oxygen-deficient environment. Survivors of oxygen deprivation may show damage to some or all organs including the central nervous system and the brain.
- These effects may or may not be reversible with time, depending on the degree and duration of the low oxygen and the amount of tissue injury.
- Another significant environmental impact caused by methane is the rapid depletion of oxygen in the aquatic environment. This will have many adverse effects on all marine life, especially those aerobic microbes that assist in bio-degrading the petroleum. Their oil-eating effectiveness will surely be compromised, just as all other aerobic organisms will suffer due to hypoxia (insufficient oxygen).
- Surface dispersant used:......1,072,514 gallons
- Subsea dispersant used:......771,272 gallons
- Total dispersant used:......1,843,786 gallons
- But some scientists say the chemical mixture, which at one point was being released at a rate of about 70,000 gallons a day, causes more harm than good, and may have contributed to huge plumes of hydrocarbons below the ocean surface.
- The fact that Corexit now seems to have been so widely used also poses the question of who, exactly, is calling the shots in our once pristine and sacred Gulf of Mexico?"
- In a short YouTube clip, Dr. Riki Ott, John Walthen, Holt Web, Lorrie Williams, Cheri Foytlin and Sherry Alan present some crucial evidence of what was going on in December of 2010 along the shore lines of the Gulf of Mexico. [16]
- On May 23, the EPA ordered BP to find a less toxic substance than Corexit for bio-remediating the oil. The Coast Guard gave BP seventy-four exemptions. The workers were not permitted to wear respirators and were told by BP management to take them off. Reporter Anderson Cooper and other mainstream media were told that they could not come within 65 feet to photograph any of the cleanup or spill [17], and this was on public land.
- BP in fact made workers sign non-disclosures and warned that if they spoke of what they saw they would lose their jobs. They could not even tell anyone the identity of their employer, and were watched the whole time by BP supervisors and police officers.
- I was up in that area, along with David Curtis, trying to obtain samples. During two of these attempts we were nearly arrested. If arrested, we would have been jailed and charged with a class 4 felony and each given a $40,000 fine. The FDA will tell you the seafood is safe, but independent scientists will tell you that 2,604,000 barrels of crude petroleum hydrocarbons came out of that Well From Hell. Even now as I write this, methane is still seeping from the Gulf floor.
- I ask you, as one human being to another, would you eat the seafood, or let your child play in the waters? Would you trust the Government, the EPA, CDC and FDA, who are entrusted to look after the health, welfare and safety of our environment and our citizens, to tell us that the waters are safe and the spill is GONE? Here is the truth about the seafood:
- · Oysters tested contained 9,780 mg of petroleum hydrocarbons
- · Blue Crabs contained 2,230 mg of petroleum hydrocarbons
- · Muscles contained 6,900 mg of petroleum hydrocarbons
- · Flounder contained 21,575 mg of petroleum hydrocarbons
- · Shrimp purchased by Mac McKenzie and studied by veteran chemist Bob Naman contained 193 ppm of petroleum hydrocarbons. [18]
- As a concerned citizen, I know that this food is not safe. The smell and taste tests prove nothing. Just because you cannot see it or smell it does not mean it is not there. Many people do not want to believe that this could happen in the United States of America. While we have been busy minding others' business all over the world and fighting wars in far countries, we have been terribly asleep at home.
- We have allowed corporations to rule this country over the rights of the people.
- On August 20, 2010, the CDC walked out on those people, just as they have walked out on others with Hyper-Toxicity aka NCS and Morgellons and Lyme Disease. They have let our own nation down, by not telling us the truth and by walking away from the humans suffering. We can additionally place many health care providers and heads of Health and Human Services in this same category. In fact, sufferers in that spill have told me personally that doctors have called them depressed and delusional. Kindra Arneson, a whistleblower against BP's tactics, went to doctors and was told that she was depressed. She was not depressed - she was sick. She insists they are still spraying Corexit on people of the Gulf Coast. The question she asks is, "What are we - some big science experiment?" [19]
- Dahr Jamal, a dedicated reporter with Aljazeera News, interviewed Dr. Rodney Soto on January 5, 2011. [20] The following paragraphs are copied from that interview. Dr. Soto explained the health impacts on his patients. "Many of the chemicals present in the oil and dispersants are known to cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, kidney damage, altered renal functions, irritation of the digestive tract, lung damage, burning pain in the nose and throat, coughing, pulmonary edema, cancer, lack of muscle coordination, dizziness, confusion, irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, and throat, difficulty breathing, delayed reaction time, memory difficulties, stomach discomfort, liver and kidney damage, unconsciousness, tiredness/lethargy, irritation of the upper respiratory tract, and hematological disorders."
- Dr. Soto classifies two types of symptom groups: acute exposure that includes skin and respiratory problems; and a second, larger group of people with no symptoms, but who still have toxicity. He believes the pathways of exposure occur through air, skin, and contaminated seafood.
- While there are many examples of acute exposures, Dr. Soto's concern is that most residents who are being exposed will only show symptoms later. "This latter group develops symptoms over years," he told Al Jazeera. "I'm concerned with the illnesses like cancer and brain degeneration for the future. This is very important because a lot of the population down here may not have symptoms. But people are unaware they are ingesting chemicals that are certainly toxic to humans and have significant effect on the brain and hormonal systems." Dr. Soto is most concerned about the long-term effects of the toxins, because they have "tremendous implications in the human immune system, hormonal function, and brain function." The toxic compounds in the oil and dispersants are "liposoluble" - meaning they have a "high affinity for fat," according to Dr. Soto.
- "The human brain is 70 percent fat," Dr. Soto added, "and these will similarly effect the immune cells, intestinal tract, breast, thyroid, prostate, glands, organs, and systems. This is also why this is so significant for children." His particular concern for children involves toxins which cause "development of the depressed immune system and a resurgence of cancer." Dr. Soto believes that for residents along the area of the Gulf Coast affected by BP's toxic chemicals, the solution is either to relocate or to engage in an intensive, long-term detoxification regime that includes systemic detoxification programs."
- You will see from my research and pictorials that the lesions and symptoms of these people are strikingly similar to those suffering from Morgellons, NCS, Hyper-Toxicity and Lyme Disease. Doctors continue to diagnose most of these patients with staph, but how do we know without a culture and sensitivity? This BP Oil Spill Plague is far worse.
- Now, finally. the truth. We have ingested, sprayed into our environment and treated our bodies and homes with countless chemicals based on petrochemicals. Take a good look around. We have allowed science to tinker with the natural wonders of our world and disrupt the ecosystems of our Earth, skies, and waters - all in the cause of money and greed. We have allowed our Government to run roughshod over our rights to choose what we eat, drink and choose to supplement in the forms of herbals and pharmaceuticals. It is no wonder everyone is sick. This is what we and our governmental regulatory bodies have allowed since the beginning of the Industrial Age. Our country has consequently become a toxic dump - created of the Corporations, by the Corporations and for the Corporations. If we do not speak up to educate and protest, then they will take more of our personal rights.
- It is time to stop this madness, which benefits so few while harming so many.
- B.K. Lim, a Geohazards specialist and researcher with over 30 years experience in the Oil and Gas Exploration industry, partnered with Dr. Tom Termotto to write an eye-opening article entitled "Phoenix Rising from the Gulf Part II". [21] They explain how our Government let this happen. The evidence and citations written in this piece are extremely lucid and revealing. The supporting documentation will be found within their article, parts of which are quoted here. In the responses section, B.K. Lim answered a question from Que.
- Que asks, "It's hard to imagine so many things going wrong at once, but I have trouble imagining a plot to make failure deliberate. It seems like an accumulation of poor decisions leading up to the blowout, failure of key safety devices, and a failure of people to act decisively because of a fear of overreacting."
- Lim replies, "Que, I too had trouble believing this disaster was allowed to happen until these facts surfaced: Interior Department's Mineral Management Service (MMS) gave BP's lease at Deepwater Horizon a categorical exclusion that exempted it from a detailed environmental impact analysis in 2009. What's more, BP was engaged in lobbying efforts to expand such exemptions only eleven days before the April 20 explosion."
- "An acoustic switch could have averted the disaster, and, Kennedy said in 2000, the Minerals Management Service while weighing a comprehensive rule making for drilling safety, deemed the acoustic mechanism essential and proposed to mandate the mechanism on all gulf rigs. But between January and March of 2001, incoming Vice President Dick Cheney conducted secret meetings with over 100 oil industry officials allowing them to draft a wish-list of industry demands to be implemented by the oil-friendly administration."
- "Cheney also used that time to re-staff the Minerals Management Service with oil industry toadies including a cabal of his Wyoming carbon cronies. In 2003, newly reconstituted Minerals Management Service genuflected to the oil cartel by recommending the removal of the proposed requirement for acoustic switches."
- "If you combine that with:
- - The massive shares sell-off by Tony Hayward & at least 4 other directors (London and New York), Goldman Sachs and many other executives unlisted
- - Former EPA attorney Jeanne Pascal had been unsuccessful in debarring BP for the last 12 years (someone in TPTB blocking her effort)
- - Clear bathymetric data and geological evidence that the Macondo Wells were the worst possible location to drill safely (or best possible location to look for trouble)
- - Multiple near-disaster misses (out-of-well control situations) and so many red flags on the way to disaster
- - Halliburton's buy-out of Boots & Coots for $240.4 million on 12 April, 8 days before the blowout.
- - Stockpile of millions of barrels of Corexit and still being manufactured by and in stock after it was removed from a list of approved treatments for oil spills in the U.K. more than a decade ago. Turns out that Rodney F. Chase, who sits on the board of Nalco, was also a BP board member. Likelihood that he still holds shares in both companies is very high. So it wasn't JUST nepotism, it was a for-profit choice.
- - BP had been investing a lot of research time and money to pursue genetic modifications that would enhance natural microbial abilities to eat up oil spills on both land and sea."
- "Anyone independent enough, would come to the logical conclusion that the battleground for a disaster was well prepared but not the prevention part (all the defenses left wide open). How come? Isn't Prevention better than Cure? Perhaps CURE or Disaster is a better windfall for some, especially those who happened to know well before the disaster to prepare the coffins?"
- "Sorry Que, the more I dug into this disaster, the dirtier is this oily business."
- The Gulf of Mexico is Dying: A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill
- This fine man BK Lim has now become the target of an assassination attempt and other fine, caring scientists are missing and have been Murdered. We are no longer a Country of the people seeking the truth, but of the Corporations trying to control our information to the public. [22]
- I've discovered that genetically modified organisms, be they insects, foods, seeds or other life, have no place in our world. I strongly believe it is wrong for man to think he can tinker with Nature and change life to his will without unforeseen and devastating consequences. That thinking reveals ignorant shortsightedness. We as a species have become resistant to chemicals made by man. Our Medical system is based upon studies which focus on parts of a problem without looking at the human condition in the entirety. Likewise, our science does not see the whole picture of the water and our globe it has been broken into fragments to study by universities with funding.
- Inch by inch to miles by miles in the process, we lose pieces of the full spectrum of our universe which cannot be recovered. Our government, sciences, food, soil, water, seas and skies have become compromised through the ignorant pursuit of this attitude.
- The continuing effects of this Spill and its ramifications on man and our world are tremendous. Man is a reflection of Nature. Every drop of water we drink, every morsel of food we eat, every breath we take, impacts us now and in future generations. We are tied to the soil, water, food, animals, birds and sea-life and to our Mother Earth. As we pollute our environment, we harm ourselves. It is not a question of Man overcoming Nature. There is no degree of separation between Nature and mankind. As a collective consciousness, we need to remember this is an undeniable and irrefutable truth.
- I thank that honest Geologist in D.C. who encouraged me to investigate, contribute, and inform, for his warnings years ago. I thank all that are mentioned above and cited, my husband, Richard W Springstead MD who has endured my tantrums and passion. Tom and BK Lim for showing me the truth. Jeff Rense, and James Arthur Janick I dedicate this labor of love to my mother, Phyllis Rummel and Hulda Clark, the truth seekers who set me on my path. My sincere gratitude and respect to all the individuals whose efforts are mentioned, and more, whose research, passion and generosity inspire us all. We must claim back our terrain, within and without, physically, environmentally, emotionally and spiritually. I hope you will take a closer look at the evidence presented here and beyond, and apply that knowledge for the healing of ourselves and our "irreplaceable world"
- Notes
- 1 Jackson Browne "Lives in the Balance":
- 2 Multiple Sources including:
- Body Bugs Patrick Frazier for WSNV:
- Barbara Minton for Natural News:
- Dr. James Schaller:
- Trisha Springstead RN, MS, click "Morgellons Help" at upper left:
- 3 Bengt Robbert & Arnel Lindgren:
- Dr. Robert O. Young:
- Dr. Patrick:
- 4 Dr. Omar Amin, Study of 50 subjects with amalgam mercury and dental sealant toxicity:
- 5 Dahr Jamail:
- Alex Jones:
- 6 Dr. Jeffrey Smith:
- Michael Pollan:
- 7
- 8
- 9 Dr. Riki Ott:
- 10 and
- 11 Dr. Riki Ott, Not One Drop:
- 12
- 13,9171,2007429,00.html
- 14
- 15
environmental-and-health-impacts-of-the-bp-gulf-oil-spill/ -
- 16
- 17 Anderson Cooper for CNN:
- 18
php?az=view_all&address=385x523115 & -
claims-coast-guard-involved-corexit-spraying/# - 19
- 20
- 21
bp-and-macondo-evidence-now-shifting-from-lihop-to-mihop/ - 22
Trisha Springstead, RN, MS Biological Science - Trisha Springstead is a Registered Nurse licensed in Florida. Trained in medicine at Loma Linda University, UCSB, and Riverside State College. Over 36 years in the medical field, she's worked in a myriad of specialties and was clinical educator for two HMA Hospitals and administrator.
- .
- Trained under Arnel Lingdren, a highly respected scientist in Dark Field Microscopy and Nutrition. She works closely with doctors in the treatment of Morgellons and Lyme and is a highly vocal advocate for recognition and care of those suffering with unexplained illnesses.
- Currently Trisha has been a very vocal Advocate for the Rights of Humans who are poisoned by the Gulf Oil Spill Crisis. Working with Dr Tom Termatto, Anita Stewart and other Gulf Professionals.
- Trisha has US Patents and Trademarks on many lines of all botanical and Non GMO skin Care products. Patent number US #7060306. She is the CEO for Springstead LLC
- She has witnessed, first hand the atrocities and treatment of humans in the Gulf Oil Spill and is receiving reports from People who have been poisoned with Morgellons Disease, BP Gulf Oil Plague..She will not be silenced.
- This site is duplicated in full as a mirror site for protection of the content.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Deep Water Horizon,
gulf of mexico,
Macondo blowout,
oil crime,
Pseudomonas Putida,
Trisha Springstead
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Trisha Springstead
Trisha Springstead
Trisha Springstead is a registered RN who treats Morgellons patients. Trisha was trained in medicine at Loma Linda University, UCSB, and Riverside State College. Trisha is currently working on her doctorate in Holistic and Alternative Medicine.Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Three plus years of investigation, research, testing, tracking, disputing, fighting for the truth of the massive cover-up by BP of the Oil Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
From Florida to Texas, the actions of some very brave citizens from all different backgrounds and walks of life coalition together to take on the BP PR machine and win.
The battle continues. Please support the effort and share the truth.
You are the new media.
Video from Trisha Springstead, RN.
BP Coverup,
gulf of mexico
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
dire report prepared for President Medvedev by Russia’s Ministry of
Natural Resources is warning today that the British Petroleum (BP) oil
and gas leak in the Gulf of Mexico is about to become the worst
environmental catastrophe in all of human history threatening the entire
eastern half of the North American continent with “total destruction”.
Russian scientists are basing their apocalyptic destruction assessment due to BP’s use of millions of gallons of the chemical dispersal agent known as Corexit 9500 which is being pumped directly into the leak of this wellhead over a mile under the Gulf of Mexico waters and designed, this report says, to keep hidden from the American public the full, and tragic, extent of this leak that is now estimated to be over 2.9 million gallons a day.
The dispersal agent Corexit 9500 is a solvent originally developed by Exxon and now manufactured by the Nalco Holding Company of Naperville, Illinois that is four times more toxic than oil (oil is toxic at 11 ppm (parts per million), Corexit 9500 at only 2.61ppm). In a report written by Anita George-Ares and James R. Clark for Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc. titled “Acute Aquatic Toxicity of Three Corexit Products: An Overview” Corexit 9500 was found to be one of the most toxic dispersal agents ever developed. Even worse, according to this report, with higher water temperatures, like those now occurring in the Gulf of Mexico, its toxicity grows.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in discovering BP’s use of this dangerous dispersal agent ordered BP to stop using it, but BP refused stating that their only alternative to Corexit 9500 was an even more dangerous dispersal agent known as Sea Brat 4.
The main differences between Corexit 9500 and Sea Brat 4 lie in how long these dangerous chemicals take to degrade into their constituent organic compounds, which for Corexit 9500 is 28 days. Sea Brat 4, on the other hand, degrades into an organic chemical called Nonylphenol that is toxic to aquatic life and can persist in the environment for years.
A greater danger involving Corexit 9500, and as outlined by Russian scientists in this report, is that with its 2.61ppm toxicity level, and when combined with the heating Gulf of Mexico waters, its molecules will be able to “phase transition” from their present liquid to a gaseous state allowing them to be absorbed into clouds and allowing their release as “toxic rain” upon all of Eastern North America.
Even worse, should a Katrina like tropical hurricane form in the Gulf of Mexico while tens of millions of gallons of Corexit 9500 are sitting on, or near, its surface the resulting “toxic rain” falling upon the North American continent could “theoretically” destroy all microbial life to any depth it reaches resulting in an “unimaginable environmental catastrophe” destroying all life forms from the “bottom of the evolutionary chart to the top”.
Note: For molecules of a liquid to evaporate, they must be located near the surface, be moving in the proper direction, and have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome liquid-phase intermolecular forces. Only a small proportion of the molecules meet these criteria, so the rate of evaporation is limited. Since the kinetic energy of a molecule is proportional to its temperature, evaporation proceeds more quickly at higher temperatures.
As over 50 miles of the US State of Louisiana’s coastline has already been destroyed by this spill, American scientists are warning that the damage may be impossible to repair, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service:
“The gooey oil washing into the maze of marshes along the Gulf Coast could prove impossible to remove, leaving a toxic stew lethal to fish and wildlife, government officials and independent scientists said. Officials are considering some drastic and risky solutions: They could set the wetlands on fire or flood areas in hopes of floating out the oil. They warn an aggressive cleanup could ruin the marshes and do more harm than good.”
And to understand the full import of this catastrophe it must be remembered that this disaster is occurring in what is described as the “biologically richest waters in America” with the greatest amount of oil and toxic Corexit 9500 set to come ashore in the coming days and weeks to destroy it completely for decades to come.
To the greatest lesson to be learned by these Americans is that their government-oil industry cabal has been just as destructive to them as their government-banking one, both of which have done more to destroy the United States these past couple of years than any foreign enemy could dare dream was possible.
But to their greatest enemy the Americans need look no further than their nearest mirror as they are the ones who allowed these monsters to rule over them in the first place.
Russian scientists are basing their apocalyptic destruction assessment due to BP’s use of millions of gallons of the chemical dispersal agent known as Corexit 9500 which is being pumped directly into the leak of this wellhead over a mile under the Gulf of Mexico waters and designed, this report says, to keep hidden from the American public the full, and tragic, extent of this leak that is now estimated to be over 2.9 million gallons a day.
The dispersal agent Corexit 9500 is a solvent originally developed by Exxon and now manufactured by the Nalco Holding Company of Naperville, Illinois that is four times more toxic than oil (oil is toxic at 11 ppm (parts per million), Corexit 9500 at only 2.61ppm). In a report written by Anita George-Ares and James R. Clark for Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc. titled “Acute Aquatic Toxicity of Three Corexit Products: An Overview” Corexit 9500 was found to be one of the most toxic dispersal agents ever developed. Even worse, according to this report, with higher water temperatures, like those now occurring in the Gulf of Mexico, its toxicity grows.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in discovering BP’s use of this dangerous dispersal agent ordered BP to stop using it, but BP refused stating that their only alternative to Corexit 9500 was an even more dangerous dispersal agent known as Sea Brat 4.
The main differences between Corexit 9500 and Sea Brat 4 lie in how long these dangerous chemicals take to degrade into their constituent organic compounds, which for Corexit 9500 is 28 days. Sea Brat 4, on the other hand, degrades into an organic chemical called Nonylphenol that is toxic to aquatic life and can persist in the environment for years.
A greater danger involving Corexit 9500, and as outlined by Russian scientists in this report, is that with its 2.61ppm toxicity level, and when combined with the heating Gulf of Mexico waters, its molecules will be able to “phase transition” from their present liquid to a gaseous state allowing them to be absorbed into clouds and allowing their release as “toxic rain” upon all of Eastern North America.
Even worse, should a Katrina like tropical hurricane form in the Gulf of Mexico while tens of millions of gallons of Corexit 9500 are sitting on, or near, its surface the resulting “toxic rain” falling upon the North American continent could “theoretically” destroy all microbial life to any depth it reaches resulting in an “unimaginable environmental catastrophe” destroying all life forms from the “bottom of the evolutionary chart to the top”.
Note: For molecules of a liquid to evaporate, they must be located near the surface, be moving in the proper direction, and have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome liquid-phase intermolecular forces. Only a small proportion of the molecules meet these criteria, so the rate of evaporation is limited. Since the kinetic energy of a molecule is proportional to its temperature, evaporation proceeds more quickly at higher temperatures.
As over 50 miles of the US State of Louisiana’s coastline has already been destroyed by this spill, American scientists are warning that the damage may be impossible to repair, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service:
“The gooey oil washing into the maze of marshes along the Gulf Coast could prove impossible to remove, leaving a toxic stew lethal to fish and wildlife, government officials and independent scientists said. Officials are considering some drastic and risky solutions: They could set the wetlands on fire or flood areas in hopes of floating out the oil. They warn an aggressive cleanup could ruin the marshes and do more harm than good.”
And to understand the full import of this catastrophe it must be remembered that this disaster is occurring in what is described as the “biologically richest waters in America” with the greatest amount of oil and toxic Corexit 9500 set to come ashore in the coming days and weeks to destroy it completely for decades to come.
To the greatest lesson to be learned by these Americans is that their government-oil industry cabal has been just as destructive to them as their government-banking one, both of which have done more to destroy the United States these past couple of years than any foreign enemy could dare dream was possible.
But to their greatest enemy the Americans need look no further than their nearest mirror as they are the ones who allowed these monsters to rule over them in the first place.
british petroleum,
Corexit 9500,
gulf of mexico,
oil spill,
toxic rain
Friday, March 1, 2013
Gulf of Mexico is Dying
The Gulf of Mexico is Dying:
A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill and Aftermath
A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill and Aftermath
The Effects Of Our Toxic
Environmental Bio-Terrain On Life
Trisha Springstead, RN, MSDavid Curtis, MS Susan Hageman
Click Here For Bigger Picture- To the Truth Seekers and The Ones Who Suffer
- On April 20th, 2010, the largest manmade disaster in the history of the United States of America blasted the Gulf of Mexico. The Explosion of the Deep Water Horizon murdered 11 men and injured 17 more. This was not just your ordinary spill. Despite all warnings to upper level management, BP did not listen and told these men to move forward and keep drilling, as the company was losing money with each passing day. The deaths of these men, with brothers, sisters, mothers, wives and children, were homicides. The crime scene spewed out poison of unprecedented proportions while the powers that be sprayed toxic chemicals in order to cover up the crime.
- The men that died or were disabled from the Macondo blowout should be treated as war heroes, since the fate of these men is the same one soldiers face. These men were put in harm's way by corporate and government decisions over "wars that are fought in places where their business interest runs." [1] The families of the brave men who died have not received any compensation from the perpetrators of this crime. Unfortunately, the death and injury has not been limited to the original victims. It is an ongoing tragedy that continues to expand in scope, affecting the health and the lives of millions more.
- When the well exploded, I was researching a disease pandemic some call Morgellons. [2] This is not the name for this disease now. It is clearly Hyper-Toxicity, Degradation of the Bio-Terrain [3], Neurocutaneous Syndrome [4], and recently has surfaced as the BP Oil Gulf Plague [5]. Before I submit the evidence from this crime scene, I want to give you a heads-up on what I had been working on for years here in the Southern United States. I find it interesting that, in early 2006, I began pulling strange PCBs, fibers and other organisms out of the skin of humans and was just astounded. I wanted to know what this new disease was. I called an old professor of mine, as these samples I was viewing looked almost shrimp-like. He had never heard of this. His advice was to call the Department of Marine Biology in Washington, DC.
- I was excited and very curious, and the next morning I dialed a phone number. In my enthusiasm at finding something that was so interesting, I began telling my story to the man who picked up the phone in D.C. He listened very intently. Then these words, that I shall never forget and in retrospect haunt me. "Lady," he said, "if you know anything about this disease, you start screaming and you keep screaming, because if you don't and something happens to you, you will be missed." He went on to say, "You have not reached the Department of Marine Biology. You have reached the Department of Geology. I want you to stay away from this god-forsaken town (D.C.). I have 3 years left in this hell-hole before I retire, so you scream - and don't stop." I began screaming like a wild woman then and heeding his advice, will not be silenced now.
- I do not believe in accidents any more. This Scientist knew something, and he knew I was on to something. Could it be that this was a warning sign of things to come, and this honest Geologist knew something and had seen evidence of what I was relating? The answers to these questions may never be forthcoming, but the Universe reveals things to us when we need to look at them. It is a shame that more scientists are not curious about the human condition, because people continue to be polluted by food [6], water [7], environment [8] and man's greed to tear apart and alter the perfection of Mother Earth's gifts.
- Marine Toxicologist Dr. Riki Ott [9] helped countless individuals while fighting valiantly for the people of Alaska in the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez spill. She could have earned $250,000 a year in the employ of various companies, but instead choose to assist people and wildlife. Dr. Ott worked diligently over years on books and documentaries which illustrate her knowledge and concerns. She duly warned us of the treatment that was inflicted upon the people by the Exxon Valdez spill. Now she has taken her time and her dime to come to the Gulf Region and educate people up and down the coastlines of our precious Gulf of Mexico.
- It is the nature of an ignorant man to say, "Oh, this is just a little spill. We will just cover it up with a little poison and a few pesticides that won't hurt anyone, and a few Genetically Modified Nematodes won't hurt anyone, either." On top of that tanker spill in Alaska, Exxon dumped Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) called Pseudomonas Putida. [10] After meeting Dr. Ott, I discovered that thousands were reporting symptoms of rashes, brain fog, neurological problems, crawling and biting and itching to Dr Ott's group. The average life expectancy in Alaska where that spill occurred is 51 years, and that was just a tanker, mind you. The people were told by Exxon, "Oh don't worry, we'll take care of you and 'NOT ONE DROP' will be found when we are done." Exxon took good care of them all right - their way of life was almost destroyed. The divorce, alcoholism, suicide and a literal wedge that was driven between the people proved disastrous. That spill decimated the way of life for those people, their culture and their world. The one hope, though, is that the humans who live on in that region of Alaska are praying for us as we face eerily similar circumstances. They were never fully nor even partially compensated for the havoc and hell that Exxon put them through. I highly recommend that you read Dr. Ott's book, Not One Drop. Read this book and read it well, because history has repeated itself. [11] But there is a kicker here, and an elephant in the living rooms of this whole Gulf Region and indeed, the world.
- The draconian powers-that-be sprayed Corexit (which is outlawed in many other countries, including England) and other organisms on that spill. They continue to spray even now on the waters of the Gulf and the East Coast of Florida by night. The amounts of poisons that were spewed into our precious air and water, and what is being added in a misguided attempt to rectify it, are not just chemicals but a very, very toxic soup.
- They do not give a damn about the impact on the people who worked hard every day. The honest fishermen won't sell you dirty fish. [12]
- They are not lazy, they know it is poison. The world is unfortunately filled with smoke and mirrors. "Oh, a few dead here and a few spilling blood there and a few Cajuns whose life is tied to the sea won't be missed." When BP, Halliburton and the money-grubbing corporations say they are going to take care of you, you better find a lawyer and a good friend, because they will not. History repeating,
- these beautiful souls are sick. They have rashes, brain fog, lesions, and families with no food. Suffering themselves, they refuse to compromise by going out and fishing to sell poison to you and your families.
- The health and human impact of this spill is already driving wedges through the social fabric of society all along the coast. The depression deepens with each passing day, the alcoholism rates will skyrocket, the suicides will escalate and fighting among brothers will increase. [13] The sociological ramifications are already heightened between people. Proud people have no work unless it is to work for the perceived enemy. This is just what BP and the Corporate Dynasties like to see. BP wants people so worn down that they have no fight in them, no air to breathe to yell, no doctors to treat these people who are ill. If we open clinics and treat these people that BP and Nalco poisoned, these people who are sick and dying, then the poisoners will have to take some responsibility, admitting that they made the wrong choices and caused HARM.
- To the people who think they fooled us, I say, "We are not fooled by you liars." To the people who are spraying Corexit and flying those planes of genocidal chemicals we say, "Find an Honest Job, because you are helping the devil do his deeds." To the people who told us, "It's gone - the spill has disappeared, there is just a little poison out there," we say, "Dilution is not the solution to pollution." To the wealthy who did not want to see this wash up on their shores, so if not seen, it doesn't exist, or the Universities taking billions to study this, I say, "TAKE CARE OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE DYING AND ARE GOING TO DIE. GO TO THEIR HOMES, THEIR SHORES AND THEIR ONCE-SACRED FISHING GROUNDS." These people are the sidewalk scientists. They have lived on the land for generations, and they know their terrain and the waters they love and respect. Get out of your institutions of delusion, your board rooms and legal money-laundering, ivy-covered ivory towers, and look at the full picture. If you lose the people, you have no stewards and in the end you will choke on greed, money and oil.
- I now submit evidence from independent researchers who have honestly documented aspects of this crime scene that has devastated the health, safety and welfare of human beings and all life along the Gulf of Mexico. Estimates grounded in science predict that this will affect 10 to 20 million people in the United States of America. [14]
- What really came out of that Gulf of Mexico Macondo well of so-called "Fossil Fuel" - a term used very loosely in the lexicon of oil geohazard professionals? If we knew what was in the mixture that we put in our gas tanks, we might think twice about this destruction in the Gulf - especially when it only supplies 10% maximum of our oil consumption in this country. People exposed to these toxins are becoming sick very quickly and dying, their immune systems are highly compromised, they are bleeding from every orifice, bruising is occurring spontaneously, lesions are horrific, lung capacities are declining and hearts are enlarging with every moment we waste not paying attention to the human condition.
- Dr. Tom Termotto, an Integrative Health Consultant, head of the Gulf Spill Remediative Task Force and prolific researcher and educator, has written compelling scientific articles on this subject. The information has been affirmed by other scientists. He poses this question: "What do you get when you mix oil & methane gas with oil dispersant (Corexit), with radioactive effluent, with surface-burning oil slicks (petroleum + dispersant), with lots of dead marine life of every sort and kind in the Gulf of Mexico during a hot and humid summer?" His answer: "A toxic petrochemical stew which is neither safe to eat from, nor swim in. The affected beaches, wetlands, marshes and estuaries should also be viewed with great caution, or avoided altogether." 15] Dr. Termotto goes on to list established facts to substantiate his conclusion. The origins for his citations are found in his article, a small portion of which is quoted below, and which I highly recommend be read in full.
- "It only takes 1 barrel of oil to effectively pollute one million barrels of seawater. Using the 87 days till the geyser was controlled; an estimated 87 X 100,000 barrels per day totaling 8.7 million barrels of hydrocarbon effluent (oil + methane + particulates such as sand, stones, gravel, and other debris from deep down under) and its many derivatives were released. This bio-accumulates within living organisms and will concentrate in adipose tissue in human beings. It contains many different chemical constituents that will break down, each of which possesses different levels of toxicity to marine and human life.
- Crude oil is a mixture of many different kinds of organic compounds, many of which are highly toxic and cancer-causing (carcinogenic). Oil is acutely lethal to fish, that is, it kills fish quickly at a concentration of 4000 parts per million (ppm) or 0.4%. It only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000 gallons of ocean water toxic to wildlife. This would be a concentration of only 1 ppm. Crude oil and petroleum distillates cause birth defects.
- Benzene is present in both crude oil and gasoline and is known to cause leukemia in humans. The compound is also known to lower the white blood cell count in humans, which would leave people exposed to it more susceptible to infections. Studies have linked benzene exposure in the mere parts per billion (ppb) ranges to terminal leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and other blood and immune system diseases within 5-15 years of exposure. Benzene exposure at below 1 part per million (1 ppm) causes hematotoxicity in exposed workers."
- Dr. Termotto also addresses the main health hazards associated with breathing methane. "Methane is not toxic below the lower explosive limit of 5% (50,000 ppm). However, when methane is present at high concentrations, it acts as an asphyxiant. Asphyxiants displace oxygen in the air and can cause symptoms of oxygen deprivation (asphyxiation). The available oxygen should be a minimum of 18% or harmful effects will result. Methane displaces oxygen to 18% in air when present at 14% (140,000 ppm). It is not expected to cause unconsciousness (narcosis) due to central nervous system depression until it reaches much higher concentrations (30% or 300,000 ppm), well above the lower explosive limit and asphyxiating concentrations.
- Effects of oxygen deficiency include:
- 12-16%......breathing and pulse rate are increased, with slight muscular incoordination;
- 10-14%......emotional upsets, abnormal fatigue from exertion, disturbed respiration;
- 6-10%......nausea and vomiting, inability to move freely, collapse, possible lack of consciousness;
- Below 6%......convulsive movements, gasping, possible respiratory collapse and death.
- Since exercise increases the body's need for oxygen, symptoms will occur more quickly during exertion in an oxygen-deficient environment. Survivors of oxygen deprivation may show damage to some or all organs including the central nervous system and the brain.
- These effects may or may not be reversible with time, depending on the degree and duration of the low oxygen and the amount of tissue injury.
- Another significant environmental impact caused by methane is the rapid depletion of oxygen in the aquatic environment. This will have many adverse effects on all marine life, especially those aerobic microbes that assist in bio-degrading the petroleum. Their oil-eating effectiveness will surely be compromised, just as all other aerobic organisms will suffer due to hypoxia (insufficient oxygen).
- Surface dispersant used:......1,072,514 gallons
- Subsea dispersant used:......771,272 gallons
- Total dispersant used:......1,843,786 gallons
- But some scientists say the chemical mixture, which at one point was being released at a rate of about 70,000 gallons a day, causes more harm than good, and may have contributed to huge plumes of hydrocarbons below the ocean surface.
- The fact that Corexit now seems to have been so widely used also poses the question of who, exactly, is calling the shots in our once pristine and sacred Gulf of Mexico?"
- In a short YouTube clip, Dr. Riki Ott, John Walthen, Holt Web, Lorrie Williams, Cheri Foytlin and Sherry Alan present some crucial evidence of what was going on in December of 2010 along the shore lines of the Gulf of Mexico. [16]
- On May 23, the EPA ordered BP to find a less toxic substance than Corexit for bio-remediating the oil. The Coast Guard gave BP seventy-four exemptions. The workers were not permitted to wear respirators and were told by BP management to take them off. Reporter Anderson Cooper and other mainstream media were told that they could not come within 65 feet to photograph any of the cleanup or spill [17], and this was on public land.
- BP in fact made workers sign non-disclosures and warned that if they spoke of what they saw they would lose their jobs. They could not even tell anyone the identity of their employer, and were watched the whole time by BP supervisors and police officers.
- I was up in that area, along with David Curtis, trying to obtain samples. During two of these attempts we were nearly arrested. If arrested, we would have been jailed and charged with a class 4 felony and each given a $40,000 fine. The FDA will tell you the seafood is safe, but independent scientists will tell you that 2,604,000 barrels of crude petroleum hydrocarbons came out of that Well From Hell. Even now as I write this, methane is still seeping from the Gulf floor.
- I ask you, as one human being to another, would you eat the seafood, or let your child play in the waters? Would you trust the Government, the EPA, CDC and FDA, who are entrusted to look after the health, welfare and safety of our environment and our citizens, to tell us that the waters are safe and the spill is GONE? Here is the truth about the seafood:
- · Oysters tested contained 9,780 mg of petroleum hydrocarbons
- · Blue Crabs contained 2,230 mg of petroleum hydrocarbons
- · Muscles contained 6,900 mg of petroleum hydrocarbons
- · Flounder contained 21,575 mg of petroleum hydrocarbons
- · Shrimp purchased by Mac McKenzie and studied by veteran chemist Bob Naman contained 193 ppm of petroleum hydrocarbons. [18]
- As a concerned citizen, I know that this food is not safe. The smell and taste tests prove nothing. Just because you cannot see it or smell it does not mean it is not there. Many people do not want to believe that this could happen in the United States of America. While we have been busy minding others' business all over the world and fighting wars in far countries, we have been terribly asleep at home.
- We have allowed corporations to rule this country over the rights of the people.
- On August 20, 2010, the CDC walked out on those people, just as they have walked out on others with Hyper-Toxicity aka NCS and Morgellons and Lyme Disease. They have let our own nation down, by not telling us the truth and by walking away from the humans suffering. We can additionally place many health care providers and heads of Health and Human Services in this same category. In fact, sufferers in that spill have told me personally that doctors have called them depressed and delusional. Kindra Arneson, a whistleblower against BP's tactics, went to doctors and was told that she was depressed. She was not depressed - she was sick. She insists they are still spraying Corexit on people of the Gulf Coast. The question she asks is, "What are we - some big science experiment?" [19]
- Dahr Jamal, a dedicated reporter with Aljazeera News, interviewed Dr. Rodney Soto on January 5, 2011. [20] The following paragraphs are copied from that interview. Dr. Soto explained the health impacts on his patients. "Many of the chemicals present in the oil and dispersants are known to cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, kidney damage, altered renal functions, irritation of the digestive tract, lung damage, burning pain in the nose and throat, coughing, pulmonary edema, cancer, lack of muscle coordination, dizziness, confusion, irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, and throat, difficulty breathing, delayed reaction time, memory difficulties, stomach discomfort, liver and kidney damage, unconsciousness, tiredness/lethargy, irritation of the upper respiratory tract, and hematological disorders."
- Dr. Soto classifies two types of symptom groups: acute exposure that includes skin and respiratory problems; and a second, larger group of people with no symptoms, but who still have toxicity. He believes the pathways of exposure occur through air, skin, and contaminated seafood.
- While there are many examples of acute exposures, Dr. Soto's concern is that most residents who are being exposed will only show symptoms later. "This latter group develops symptoms over years," he told Al Jazeera. "I'm concerned with the illnesses like cancer and brain degeneration for the future. This is very important because a lot of the population down here may not have symptoms. But people are unaware they are ingesting chemicals that are certainly toxic to humans and have significant effect on the brain and hormonal systems." Dr. Soto is most concerned about the long-term effects of the toxins, because they have "tremendous implications in the human immune system, hormonal function, and brain function." The toxic compounds in the oil and dispersants are "liposoluble" - meaning they have a "high affinity for fat," according to Dr. Soto.
- "The human brain is 70 percent fat," Dr. Soto added, "and these will similarly effect the immune cells, intestinal tract, breast, thyroid, prostate, glands, organs, and systems. This is also why this is so significant for children." His particular concern for children involves toxins which cause "development of the depressed immune system and a resurgence of cancer." Dr. Soto believes that for residents along the area of the Gulf Coast affected by BP's toxic chemicals, the solution is either to relocate or to engage in an intensive, long-term detoxification regime that includes systemic detoxification programs."
- You will see from my research and pictorials that the lesions and symptoms of these people are strikingly similar to those suffering from Morgellons, NCS, Hyper-Toxicity and Lyme Disease. Doctors continue to diagnose most of these patients with staph, but how do we know without a culture and sensitivity? This BP Oil Spill Plague is far worse.
- Now, finally. the truth. We have ingested, sprayed into our environment and treated our bodies and homes with countless chemicals based on petrochemicals. Take a good look around. We have allowed science to tinker with the natural wonders of our world and disrupt the ecosystems of our Earth, skies, and waters - all in the cause of money and greed. We have allowed our Government to run roughshod over our rights to choose what we eat, drink and choose to supplement in the forms of herbals and pharmaceuticals. It is no wonder everyone is sick. This is what we and our governmental regulatory bodies have allowed since the beginning of the Industrial Age. Our country has consequently become a toxic dump - created of the Corporations, by the Corporations and for the Corporations. If we do not speak up to educate and protest, then they will take more of our personal rights.
- It is time to stop this madness, which benefits so few while harming so many.
- B.K. Lim, a Geohazards specialist and researcher with over 30 years experience in the Oil and Gas Exploration industry, partnered with Dr. Tom Termotto to write an eye-opening article entitled "Phoenix Rising from the Gulf Part II". [21] They explain how our Government let this happen. The evidence and citations written in this piece are extremely lucid and revealing. The supporting documentation will be found within their article, parts of which are quoted here. In the responses section, B.K. Lim answered a question from Que.
- Que asks, "It's hard to imagine so many things going wrong at once, but I have trouble imagining a plot to make failure deliberate. It seems like an accumulation of poor decisions leading up to the blowout, failure of key safety devices, and a failure of people to act decisively because of a fear of overreacting."
- Lim replies, "Que, I too had trouble believing this disaster was allowed to happen until these facts surfaced: Interior Department's Mineral Management Service (MMS) gave BP's lease at Deepwater Horizon a categorical exclusion that exempted it from a detailed environmental impact analysis in 2009. What's more, BP was engaged in lobbying efforts to expand such exemptions only eleven days before the April 20 explosion."
- "An acoustic switch could have averted the disaster, and, Kennedy said in 2000, the Minerals Management Service while weighing a comprehensive rule making for drilling safety, deemed the acoustic mechanism essential and proposed to mandate the mechanism on all gulf rigs. But between January and March of 2001, incoming Vice President Dick Cheney conducted secret meetings with over 100 oil industry officials allowing them to draft a wish-list of industry demands to be implemented by the oil-friendly administration."
- "Cheney also used that time to re-staff the Minerals Management Service with oil industry toadies including a cabal of his Wyoming carbon cronies. In 2003, newly reconstituted Minerals Management Service genuflected to the oil cartel by recommending the removal of the proposed requirement for acoustic switches."
- "If you combine that with:
- - The massive shares sell-off by Tony Hayward & at least 4 other directors (London and New York), Goldman Sachs and many other executives unlisted
- - Former EPA attorney Jeanne Pascal had been unsuccessful in debarring BP for the last 12 years (someone in TPTB blocking her effort)
- - Clear bathymetric data and geological evidence that the Macondo Wells were the worst possible location to drill safely (or best possible location to look for trouble)
- - Multiple near-disaster misses (out-of-well control situations) and so many red flags on the way to disaster
- - Halliburton's buy-out of Boots & Coots for $240.4 million on 12 April, 8 days before the blowout.
- - Stockpile of millions of barrels of Corexit and still being manufactured by and in stock after it was removed from a list of approved treatments for oil spills in the U.K. more than a decade ago. Turns out that Rodney F. Chase, who sits on the board of Nalco, was also a BP board member. Likelihood that he still holds shares in both companies is very high. So it wasn't JUST nepotism, it was a for-profit choice.
- - BP had been investing a lot of research time and money to pursue genetic modifications that would enhance natural microbial abilities to eat up oil spills on both land and sea."
- "Anyone independent enough, would come to the logical conclusion that the battleground for a disaster was well prepared but not the prevention part (all the defenses left wide open). How come? Isn't Prevention better than Cure? Perhaps CURE or Disaster is a better windfall for some, especially those who happened to know well before the disaster to prepare the coffins?"
- "Sorry Que, the more I dug into this disaster, the dirtier is this oily business."
- The Gulf of Mexico is Dying: A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill
- This fine man BK Lim has now become the target of an assassination attempt and other fine, caring scientists are missing and have been Murdered. We are no longer a Country of the people seeking the truth, but of the Corporations trying to control our information to the public. [22]
- I've discovered that genetically modified organisms, be they insects, foods, seeds or other life, have no place in our world. I strongly believe it is wrong for man to think he can tinker with Nature and change life to his will without unforeseen and devastating consequences. That thinking reveals ignorant shortsightedness. We as a species have become resistant to chemicals made by man. Our Medical system is based upon studies which focus on parts of a problem without looking at the human condition in the entirety. Likewise, our science does not see the whole picture of the water and our globe it has been broken into fragments to study by universities with funding.
- Inch by inch to miles by miles in the process, we lose pieces of the full spectrum of our universe which cannot be recovered. Our government, sciences, food, soil, water, seas and skies have become compromised through the ignorant pursuit of this attitude.
- The continuing effects of this Spill and its ramifications on man and our world are tremendous. Man is a reflection of Nature. Every drop of water we drink, every morsel of food we eat, every breath we take, impacts us now and in future generations. We are tied to the soil, water, food, animals, birds and sea-life and to our Mother Earth. As we pollute our environment, we harm ourselves. It is not a question of Man overcoming Nature. There is no degree of separation between Nature and mankind. As a collective consciousness, we need to remember this is an undeniable and irrefutable truth.
- I thank that honest Geologist in D.C. who encouraged me to investigate, contribute, and inform, for his warnings years ago. I thank all that are mentioned above and cited, my husband, Richard W Springstead MD who has endured my tantrums and passion. Tom and BK Lim for showing me the truth. Jeff Rense, and James Arthur Janick I dedicate this labor of love to my mother, Phyllis Rummel and Hulda Clark, the truth seekers who set me on my path. My sincere gratitude and respect to all the individuals whose efforts are mentioned, and more, whose research, passion and generosity inspire us all. We must claim back our terrain, within and without, physically, environmentally, emotionally and spiritually. I hope you will take a closer look at the evidence presented here and beyond, and apply that knowledge for the healing of ourselves and our "irreplaceable world"
- Notes
- 1 Jackson Browne "Lives in the Balance":
- 2 Multiple Sources including:
- Body Bugs Patrick Frazier for WSNV:
- Barbara Minton for Natural News:
- Dr. James Schaller:
- Trisha Springstead RN, MS, click "Morgellons Help" at upper left:
- 3 Bengt Robbert & Arnel Lindgren:
- Dr. Robert O. Young:
- Dr. Patrick:
- 4 Dr. Omar Amin, Study of 50 subjects with amalgam mercury and dental sealant toxicity:
- 5 Dahr Jamail:
- Alex Jones:
- 6 Dr. Jeffrey Smith:
- Michael Pollan:
- 7
- 8
- 9 Dr. Riki Ott:
- 10 and
- 11 Dr. Riki Ott, Not One Drop:
- 12
- 13,9171,2007429,00.html
- 14
- 15
environmental-and-health-impacts-of-the-bp-gulf-oil-spill/ -
- 16
- 17 Anderson Cooper for CNN:
- 18
php?az=view_all&address=385x523115 & -
claims-coast-guard-involved-corexit-spraying/# - 19
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bp-and-macondo-evidence-now-shifting-from-lihop-to-mihop/ - 22
Trisha Springstead, RN, MS Biological Science - Trisha Springstead is a Registered Nurse licensed in Florida. Trained in medicine at Loma Linda University, UCSB, and Riverside State College. Over 36 years in the medical field, she's worked in a myriad of specialties and was clinical educator for two HMA Hospitals and administrator.
- .
- Trained under Arnel Lingdren, a highly respected scientist in Dark Field Microscopy and Nutrition. She works closely with doctors in the treatment of Morgellons and Lyme and is a highly vocal advocate for recognition and care of those suffering with unexplained illnesses.
- Currently Trisha has been a very vocal Advocate for the Rights of Humans who are poisoned by the Gulf Oil Spill Crisis. Working with Dr Tom Termatto, Anita Stewart and other Gulf Professionals.
- Trisha has US Patents and Trademarks on many lines of all botanical and Non GMO skin Care products. Patent number US #7060306. She is the CEO for Springstead LLC
- She has witnessed, first hand the atrocities and treatment of humans in the Gulf Oil Spill and is receiving reports from People who have been poisoned with Morgellons Disease, BP Gulf Oil Plague..She will not be silenced.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Soldiers are needed at home.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Horrible Mutations
BP oil spill: The ‘horribly mutated’ creatures living in the Gulf. Fish, shrimp, and crabs are missing eyes and suffering strange deformities, according to a harrowing new report — yet the FDA insists the seafood’s safe to eat.
Shrimp born without eyes, clawless crabs, and fish with visible tumors are among the “horrible mutated”marine animals found in the waters off the Gulf Coast, according to a new report from Al Jazeera.
Scientists say the problem is a side effect of the April 2010 explosion of BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig, which killed 11 people and spilled at least 4.9 million barrels of oil into the ocean. Here, a brief guide to the damage:
“The fishermen have never seen anything like this,” Dr Jim Cowan told Al Jazeera. “And in my 20 years working on red snapper, looking at somewhere between 20 and 30,000 fish, I’ve never seen anything like this either.”
Dr Cowan, with Louisiana State University’s Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences started hearing about fish with sores and lesions from fishermen in November 2010.
Cowan’s findings replicate those of others living along vast areas of the Gulf Coast that have been impacted by BP’s oil and dispersants.
Gulf of Mexico fishermen, scientists and seafood processors have told Al Jazeera they are finding disturbing numbers of mutated shrimp, crab and fish that they believe are deformed by chemicals released during BP’s 2010 oil disaster.
Along with collapsing fisheries, signs of malignant impact on the regional ecosystem are ominous: horribly mutated shrimp, fish with oozing sores, underdeveloped blue crabs lacking claws, eyeless crabs and shrimp – and interviewees’ fingers point towards BP’s oil pollution disaster as being the cause.
Eyeless shrimp
Tracy Kuhns and her husband Mike Roberts, commercial fishers from Barataria, Louisiana, are finding eyeless shrimp.
“At the height of the last white shrimp season, in September, one of our friends caught 400 pounds of these,” Kuhns told Al Jazeera while showing a sample of the eyeless shrimp.
According to Kuhns, at least 50 per cent of the shrimp caught in that period in Barataria Bay, a popular shrimping area that was heavily impacted by BP’s oil and dispersants, were eyeless. Kuhns added: “Disturbingly, not only do the shrimp lack eyes, they even lack eye sockets.”
“Some shrimpers are catching these out in the open Gulf [of Mexico],” Tracy Kuhns added, “They are also catching them in Alabama and Mississippi. We are also finding eyeless crabs, crabs with their shells soft instead of hard, full grown crabs that are one-fifth their normal size, clawless crabs, and crabs with shells that don’t have their usual spikes … they look like they’ve been burned off by chemicals.”
“I’ve seen the brown shrimp catch drop by two-thirds, and so far the white shrimp have been wiped out,” Ladner told Al Jazeera. “The shrimp are immune compromised. We are finding shrimp with tumors on their heads, and are seeing this everyday.”
“We’ve fished here all our lives and have never seen anything like this,” he added.
Ladner has also seen crates of blue crabs, all of which were lacking at least one of their claws.
Rooks is also finding eyeless shrimp, shrimp with abnormal growths, female shrimp with their babies still attached to them, and shrimp with oiled gills.
“We also seeing eyeless fish, and fish lacking even eye-sockets, and fish with lesions, fish without covers over their gills, and others with large pink masses hanging off their eyes and gills.”
Is it just the oil that caused mutations?
No. Also to blame are the nearly 2 million gallons of chemical dispersants, such as petroleum distillates and 2-butoxyethanol, used for the subsequent clean-up. The solvents used in the aftermath of the spill, long known to be “mutagenic,” are powerful enough to dissolve oil, grease, and rubber, says Casey Chan at Gizmodo. That’s great for sopping up oil, “but terrible for the environment.”"The dispersants used in BP’s draconian experiment contain solvents, such as petroleum distillates and 2-butoxyethanol. Solvents dissolve oil, grease, and rubber,” Dr Riki Ott, a toxicologist, marine biologist and Exxon Valdez survivor told Al Jazeera. “It should be no surprise that solvents are also notoriously toxic to people, something the medical community has long known”.
The dispersants are known to be mutagenic, a disturbing fact that could be evidenced in the seafood deformities. Shrimp, for example, have a life-cycle short enough that two to three generations have existed since BP’s disaster began, giving the chemicals time to enter the genome.

Dr Wilma Subra, a chemist and Macarthur Fellow, has conducted tests on seafood and sediment samples along the Gulf for chemicals present in BP’s crude oil and toxic dispersants.
“Tests have shown significant levels of oil pollution in oysters and crabs along the Louisiana coastline,” Subra told Al Jazeera. “We have also found high levels of hydrocarbons in the soil and vegetation.”
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, PAHs “are a group of semi-volatile organic compounds that are present in crude oil that has spent time in the ocean and eventually reaches shore, and can be formed when oil is burned”.
“Seafood from the Gulf of Mexico is among the most tested in the world,” the energy company says in a statement. And “according to the FDA and NOAA, it is as safe now as it was before the accident.”
Shrimp born without eyes, clawless crabs, and fish with visible tumors are among the “horrible mutated”marine animals found in the waters off the Gulf Coast, according to a new report from Al Jazeera.
Scientists say the problem is a side effect of the April 2010 explosion of BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig, which killed 11 people and spilled at least 4.9 million barrels of oil into the ocean. Here, a brief guide to the damage:
“The fishermen have never seen anything like this,” Dr Jim Cowan told Al Jazeera. “And in my 20 years working on red snapper, looking at somewhere between 20 and 30,000 fish, I’ve never seen anything like this either.”
Dr Cowan, with Louisiana State University’s Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences started hearing about fish with sores and lesions from fishermen in November 2010.
Cowan’s findings replicate those of others living along vast areas of the Gulf Coast that have been impacted by BP’s oil and dispersants.
Gulf of Mexico fishermen, scientists and seafood processors have told Al Jazeera they are finding disturbing numbers of mutated shrimp, crab and fish that they believe are deformed by chemicals released during BP’s 2010 oil disaster.
Along with collapsing fisheries, signs of malignant impact on the regional ecosystem are ominous: horribly mutated shrimp, fish with oozing sores, underdeveloped blue crabs lacking claws, eyeless crabs and shrimp – and interviewees’ fingers point towards BP’s oil pollution disaster as being the cause.
Eyeless shrimp
Tracy Kuhns and her husband Mike Roberts, commercial fishers from Barataria, Louisiana, are finding eyeless shrimp.
“At the height of the last white shrimp season, in September, one of our friends caught 400 pounds of these,” Kuhns told Al Jazeera while showing a sample of the eyeless shrimp.
According to Kuhns, at least 50 per cent of the shrimp caught in that period in Barataria Bay, a popular shrimping area that was heavily impacted by BP’s oil and dispersants, were eyeless. Kuhns added: “Disturbingly, not only do the shrimp lack eyes, they even lack eye sockets.”
“Some shrimpers are catching these out in the open Gulf [of Mexico],” Tracy Kuhns added, “They are also catching them in Alabama and Mississippi. We are also finding eyeless crabs, crabs with their shells soft instead of hard, full grown crabs that are one-fifth their normal size, clawless crabs, and crabs with shells that don’t have their usual spikes … they look like they’ve been burned off by chemicals.”
Among the disturbing mutations: Shrimp
with tumors on their heads; fish that lack eyes or are missing flaps
over their gills; fish with oozing sores; crabs with holes in their
shells; crabs that are missing claws and spikes, or are encased in soft
shells instead of hard ones.
Keath Ladner, a third generation seafood processor in Hancock County, Mississippi, is also disturbed by what he is seeing.
Keath Ladner, a third generation seafood processor in Hancock County, Mississippi, is also disturbed by what he is seeing.
“I’ve seen the brown shrimp catch drop by two-thirds, and so far the white shrimp have been wiped out,” Ladner told Al Jazeera. “The shrimp are immune compromised. We are finding shrimp with tumors on their heads, and are seeing this everyday.”
While on a shrimp boat in Mobile Bay with Sidney Schwartz, the fourth-generation fisherman said that he had seen shrimp with defects on their gills, and “their shells missing around their gills and head“.
“We’ve fished here all our lives and have never seen anything like this,” he added.
Ladner has also seen crates of blue crabs, all of which were lacking at least one of their claws.
Darla Rooks, a lifelong fisherperson from Port Sulfur, Louisiana, told Al Jazeera she is finding crabs “with
holes in their shells, shells with all the points burned off so all the
spikes on their shells and claws are gone, misshapen shells, and crabs
that are dying from within … they are still alive, but you open them up
and they smell like they’ve been dead for a week”.
Rooks is also finding eyeless shrimp, shrimp with abnormal growths, female shrimp with their babies still attached to them, and shrimp with oiled gills.
“We also seeing eyeless fish, and fish lacking even eye-sockets, and fish with lesions, fish without covers over their gills, and others with large pink masses hanging off their eyes and gills.”
Is it just the oil that caused mutations?
No. Also to blame are the nearly 2 million gallons of chemical dispersants, such as petroleum distillates and 2-butoxyethanol, used for the subsequent clean-up. The solvents used in the aftermath of the spill, long known to be “mutagenic,” are powerful enough to dissolve oil, grease, and rubber, says Casey Chan at Gizmodo. That’s great for sopping up oil, “but terrible for the environment.”"The dispersants used in BP’s draconian experiment contain solvents, such as petroleum distillates and 2-butoxyethanol. Solvents dissolve oil, grease, and rubber,” Dr Riki Ott, a toxicologist, marine biologist and Exxon Valdez survivor told Al Jazeera. “It should be no surprise that solvents are also notoriously toxic to people, something the medical community has long known”.
The dispersants are known to be mutagenic, a disturbing fact that could be evidenced in the seafood deformities. Shrimp, for example, have a life-cycle short enough that two to three generations have existed since BP’s disaster began, giving the chemicals time to enter the genome.
Pathways of exposure to the dispersants
are inhalation, ingestion, skin, and eye contact. Health impacts can
include headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pains, chest pains,
respiratory system damage, skin sensitisation, hypertension, central
nervous system depression, neurotoxic effects, cardiac arrhythmia and
cardiovascular damage. They are also teratogenic – able to disturb the
growth and development of an embryo or fetus – and carcinogenic.
Cowan believes chemicals named polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), released from BP’s submerged oil, are likely to blame for what he is finding, due to the fact that the fish with lesions he is finding are from “a wide spatial distribution that is spatially coordinated with oil from the Deepwater Horizon, both surface oil and subsurface oil. A lot of the oil that impacted Louisiana was also in subsurface plumes, and we think there is a lot of it remaining on the seafloor”.
Cowan believes chemicals named polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), released from BP’s submerged oil, are likely to blame for what he is finding, due to the fact that the fish with lesions he is finding are from “a wide spatial distribution that is spatially coordinated with oil from the Deepwater Horizon, both surface oil and subsurface oil. A lot of the oil that impacted Louisiana was also in subsurface plumes, and we think there is a lot of it remaining on the seafloor”.

Dr Wilma Subra, a chemist and Macarthur Fellow, has conducted tests on seafood and sediment samples along the Gulf for chemicals present in BP’s crude oil and toxic dispersants.
“Tests have shown significant levels of oil pollution in oysters and crabs along the Louisiana coastline,” Subra told Al Jazeera. “We have also found high levels of hydrocarbons in the soil and vegetation.”
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, PAHs “are a group of semi-volatile organic compounds that are present in crude oil that has spent time in the ocean and eventually reaches shore, and can be formed when oil is burned”.
“The fish are being exposed to PAHs, and I was able to find several references that list the same symptoms in fish after the Exxon Valdez spill,
as well as other lab experiments,” explained Cowan. “There was also a
paper published by some LSU scientists that PAH exposure has effects on
the genome.”
What does BP say?
“Seafood from the Gulf of Mexico is among the most tested in the world,” the energy company says in a statement. And “according to the FDA and NOAA, it is as safe now as it was before the accident.”
Al Jazeera contacted the office of
Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, who provided a statement that said the
state continues to test its waters for oil and dispersants, and that it
is testing for PAHs.
“Gulf seafood has consistently tested lower than the safety thresholds established by the FDA for the levels of oil and dispersant contamination that would pose a risk to human health,” the statement reads. “Louisiana seafood continues to go through extensive testing to ensure that seafood is safe for human consumption. More than 3,000 composite samples of seafood, sediment and water have been tested in Louisiana since the start of the spill.”
“Gulf seafood has consistently tested lower than the safety thresholds established by the FDA for the levels of oil and dispersant contamination that would pose a risk to human health,” the statement reads. “Louisiana seafood continues to go through extensive testing to ensure that seafood is safe for human consumption. More than 3,000 composite samples of seafood, sediment and water have been tested in Louisiana since the start of the spill.”
BP refused Al Jazeera’s request to comment on this issue for a television interview, but provided a statement that read:
“Seafood from the Gulf of Mexico is among the most tested in the world, and, according to the FDA and NOAA, it is as safe now as it was before the accident.”
“Seafood from the Gulf of Mexico is among the most tested in the world, and, according to the FDA and NOAA, it is as safe now as it was before the accident.”
FDA, EPA and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) all
refused to comment on the awfulness that’s happening in the Gulf. BP,
the company who created this mess in the first place, refuse to take the
blame, saying the seafood in the Gulf is “as safe now as it was before
the accident.” The evidence, of course, indicates otherwise.
Gulf of Mexico provides nearly half of the seafood caught in the US
(40%). With its inhabitants dying or suffering mutations before they’re
caught, it looks like seafood shortages are inevitable. According to
various fishermen, brown shrimp catch has dropped by two-thirds, white
shrimp have been wiped out and some fishermen’s seafood catch are ten
percent of what they normally are. Seafood, as America knows it, has
changed. And without the proper funding or commitment or BP accepting
the blame, these effects might last longer than anyone thinks.
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